dinsdag 28 februari 2012

I have to give a second presentation the 2e march, to see my progress. I'll show them the little clips I posted here before. They asked me to review the feedback from before:

Less informal language use: did this on the second document I had to give them.

How to test? Well you can drag points while running the unity program.

I just drag the joints were I want them. No need to actually stand up :D.

woensdag 22 februari 2012

The project was shown to the band, they liked it! The activation was perfect, no mixed activations or anything. They liked the fire animation. BUT they thought the stick figure had to be better. So I experimented with this, a free 3D (female) character pack. This was the 3D model work of Mixamo, much better then mine. This is the start, still a bit buggy (watch the accordion centre).

zaterdag 18 februari 2012

Got all the detections working.

I am doing this with "pose" recognition. For example, the first movement is this

What we do for test is the following:

(OtherHand = left hand, ActivationHand = right hand)

(YPositionOtherHand < YPositionHip)
        (YPositionActivationHand > YPositionHead)

We get the Y coordinates from the required joints en do this test. If true, a timer starts running, if you hold the pose for X seconds, fire animation will start.

dinsdag 14 februari 2012

Exams are done, I restarted the project. And the detection of moves is going pretty good. Having one problem: this move is hard to test :D.

The 1.0 SDK is out, but this doesn't work with my Unity project with uses the beta. No problem, we will keep going at it with the beta version.

woensdag 1 februari 2012